Saturday, September 16, 2006

Care Of Fishing Line

Always check the line for nicks or frazzles or areas of abrasion that will cause a weakness. After every fishing trip, or after playing out a nice fish, cut off approximately ten feet of line and retie, if you have reason to believe it may have been frayed. This is very important.

When fighting a decent fish, in fresh or saltwater, three things can happen:
(1) the fish goes deep, pulling the line across rocks, logs or other hard objects,
(2) the fish is big and the line will rub across its body or tail, and
(3) other things, such as the boat, a jetty, surface objects or dock, or even other fish inthe area, may bump into your line.

All three factors will cause abrasion, eventually prompting the line to break. The easiest solution is to cut off the weak line and retie.

Quality monofilament that has not come in contact with the above items does not need to be totally replaced. (We have had saltwater charter boat captains catch over 20 Blue Marlin without respooling new Ande monofilament.) So, if you check your reel's drag system, your rod guides and cut away line that may be damaged, we guarantee you will catch more fish. Take the is worth it.